Już jest pierwsza recenzja nowego przedwzmacniacza gramofonowego CH Precision P10
Nowy przedwzmacniacz gramofonowy CH Precision P10 doczekał się pierwszej recenzji w magazynie The Absolute Sound. Jest lepiej niż dobrze!
Poniżej kilka fragmentów z tekstu Michaela Fremera:
“(With the P10) The differences were not subtle, nor were the improvements minor.”
“It wasn’t a “hmm that’s somewhat better” moment. It was more a “wow, that’s amazing” one, in which the entire presentation – everything that had already been plenty good – was fundamentally and completely better…”
“…whatever that (musical) world might be, visiting it through the CH Precision P10 will take you on musical adventures into uncharted territory you may not have thought even existed within your most familiar records. Boy, does that sound like hype, but it’s what I experienced every listen and I stand by it!”